IAA 總部提供柏林創意領袖學院 MBA 課程 ( Berlin School of Creative Leadership ) 全額獎學金,歡迎各位會員或公司同仁申請至學校就讀MBA課程 view all
IAA 總部提供柏林創意領袖學院 MBA...
IAA 全球總部正式宣布與柏林創意領袖學院 MBA 課程 ( Berlin School of Creative Leadership - Executive MBA in Creative Leadership ) 合作,將提供高達 53,000 歐元的總額獎學金,供 IAA 全球各分會會員申請,並至該校就讀。歡迎各位會員或公司同仁( 不分業務範...
Africa is attracting ever more interest from powers elsewhere view all
Africa is attracting ever more i...
Graham greene, chronicler of hazy entrepots, would have loved Djibouti. A third of global shipping steams by this little bit of north-east Africa. All the world, it seems, is crammed together in its capital. French, Italian and Japanese military b...
GDPR – what’s working and what is not, and how to prepare for a global roll out view all
GDPR – what’s working and what i...
GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation, which regulates the processing and use of European data, has been in force for nearly a year now. It is timely to look at its impact so far, and see what lies in store for other parts of the world. In ...
An executive recruiter on the evolution of the chief marketing officer role: marketer’s brief podcast view all
An executive recruiter on the ev...
If you think corporate boards have a dearth of chief marketing officers, you’re right. A new study from executive search firm Spencer Stuart found only 26 seats among the Fortune 1000 companies are occupied by CMOs.
2019 Media⁺Tech|媒體科技大會 view all
2019 Media⁺Tech|媒體科技大會
滾石文化於2018年首屆舉辦《Media Tech媒體科技大會》,是一個匯集行銷創意與數位科技開發者的展示平台。今年《Media Tech媒體科技大會》將在5月21至22日登場,為期2天的課程,18位來自國內外廣告創意、媒體、數位產業的菁英,透過「貴賓主題演講」、「媒體科技趨勢...
澳門國際創新節(MII Festival) view all
澳門國際創新節(MII Festival)
由澳門電子商務協會、珠海橫琴國家廣告產業園區聯合主辦的「澳門國際創新節(MII Festival)」將於今年6月6日至8日在澳門科學館舉辦,本屆「澳門國際創新節」的主題為:「凝聚灣區,激發創新」。 活動流程:
陳秉峰秘書長受邀擔任AdAsia 2021 Macao顧問
陳秉峰秘書長受邀擔任AdAsia 2021 ...
陳秉峰秘書長受邀擔任AdAsia 2021 Macao顧問
【富盈數據】流量困境:內容、社群、以及轉化萎縮的時代命題 view all
【凱絡媒體週報】專題報告:YouTube看什麼?台美百大熱門頻道觀察 view all
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