New Initiative: IAA Young Professionals Training Program view all
New Initiative: IAA Young Profes...
IAA is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Google, Facebook, CNN, and LinkedIn, to launch the IAA Young Professionals Training Program. As the Global Compass of the Marcom industry, IAA provides Young Professionals and future leaders...
Kids & Data Protection on Youtube view all
Kids & Data Protection on Youtube
Google recently made a major announcement on its platform in order to address the sensitive issue of protecting children's privacy on YouTube.
IAA Chairman Srinivasan Swamy Honored at Ad STARS 2019 view all
IAA Chairman Srinivasan Swamy Ho...
The IAA Global is proud to announce that Srinivasan K Swamy, Chairman and World President of IAA, has accepted the International Honorary Award at the 2019 AD STARS festival held from August 22th to 24th, at the BEXCO (Busan Exhibition & Conventio...
D:PULSE's Inaugural Confrence in Zurich view all
D:PULSE's Inaugural Confrence in...
On August 21, the first boutique conference of the new global business network event series D:PULSE took place in Zurich. As a conference partner, the IAA Swiss Chapter welcomed many IAA members, who benefited from the event. Co-founders, Christia...
IndIAA Awards 2019 view all
IndIAA Awards 2019
The India Chapter of International Advertising Association presented its prestigious INDIAA Awards on 26th August at a ceremony hosted at the ITC Grand Maratha Hotel, Mumbai. The fifth edition brought together great minds in business, marketing, a...
2019年8月份消費者動態 view all
知名台灣消費者市調公司 – 東方線上消費者研究集團,鑒於消費者使用YouTube的頻率、時間愈來愈高,品牌企業與知名Youtuber的合作也愈加頻繁,除訂閱人數、影片觀看數值的掌握外,每月Youtuber的消費者滲透率亦能反應不同Youtuber間的影響力變化。 針對此現象,東方線...
2019《Yahoo 4A創意論壇》 創意決定論!Creative First view all
2019《Yahoo 4A創意論壇》 創意決...
4位講師不間斷討論創意,一同激盪創意新思維! 與大師面對面切磋交流的絕佳機會,就在2019《Yahoo 4A創意論壇》!今年特別跨界邀請剛拿下第30屆金曲獎最佳國語專輯的創作女歌手「孫盛希」分享專輯的創意製作!限量200位名額,千萬不要錯過!
尼爾森媒體研究新知8月刊 view all
綜藝新世紀 – 周間黃金時段綜藝節目收視觀察 「百戰百勝」、「人不可貌相,海水不可斗量」、「凡走過必留下痕跡」、「你要去哪裡」、「機會、命運請選擇」,這些朗朗上口的節目口號,喚醒你多少歡樂記憶?從戶外競技、尋人任務、益智闖關,到知名談話性節目,皆是綜...
電商小心了!傳統實體通路掀數位反攻 view all
中國昔日「真皮鞋王」「富貴鳥」破產下市、美國快時尚品牌「 Forever 21 」 爆發財務危機…數位浪潮持續改變消費者購物以及蒐集資訊的行為,加上線上商機逐步佔據市場,在在衝擊實體門市。 今年2月,美國商務部發佈的報告中就指出,美國「非店面」或網路零售額的總市...
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