#Canceled: How cancel culture is affecting brands view all
#Canceled: How cancel culture is...
Outside an Equinox club on West 92nd Street in Manhattan, members heading over to work out on a weekend in August had to step over a bunch of words written in chalk on the pavement. “No kids in cages.” “Do better.” And above all of it, in bright r...
Extremely epic video shows how pencils are made view all
Extremely epic video shows how p...
Faber-Castell's been making pencils since 1761 and wants to show-not-tell you about them. Wordless cinematography and a epic soundtrack right out of Hollywood.
Creativity And The Future Of Agencies: A Conversation With McKinney CEO Joe Maglio view all
Creativity And The Future Of Age...
Joe Maglio, CEO of McKinney, one of the industry’s most formidable creative agencies, has been in his role for just under a year. The agency he now leads is in its 50th year, with offices in Durham, NC, Los Angeles and New York, and is renowned fo...
How to become a successful influencer, according to YouTube and Instagram stars view all
How to become a successful influ...
YouTube and Instagram are at the core of how most social-media influencers are making their money in 2019. These influencers are profiting from their success online, with some earning millions a year through multi-faceted approaches that range...
Opportunity to teach communications in Dubai! view all
Opportunity to teach communicati...
Dear IAA members, we are excited to announce the following career opportunity to teach communications in Dubai! The Faculty of Communication, Arts and Sciences, CANADIAN UNIVERSITY DUBAI invites applications for Full-time Assistant Professors t...
第十四屆台灣廣告節『創意戰鬥營』徵件啟動! view all
『未來,抱起來!』 希望未來,讓我們不只「彼此擁抱」,而是透過各種擁抱關係,一起用開放的心,去關懷個面向,「擁抱」這個快速多元變化的「多元世界」。
學會了,立即無痛轉型!凱絡「3智能解方」 view all
數位轉型,你準備好了嗎? 《亞洲數位轉型研究調查報告》顯示,台灣有83%企業認為組織需要轉型,然而已擬訂數位轉型策略的企業僅23%。這中間的落差代表著,企業普遍對於變局仍感到困惑。 有鑑於行銷變局不斷且持續地強襲各大企業與品牌,無論位處行銷生態系中的...
得獎的是…比得獎更重要的事 - 2019 ADFEST亞太廣告節賞析會 view all
得獎的是…比得獎更重要的事 - 2019...
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