 IAA Launches Member Exclusive  Content Streaming Platform: The IAA Content Hub view all
IAA Launches Member Exclusive ...
We are glad to announce that the IAA has successfully launched an exciting new Content Streaming platform, the IAA Content Hub, exclusively for IAA members. The IAA Content Hub will offer latest thought leadership content from marketing and commun...
Google Kicks-off IAA Young Professionals Training Initiative view all
Google Kicks-off IAA Young Profe...
On 14th October in the Google New York campus, The International Advertising Association kicked-off its Young Professionals Training Program, an initiative to provide exposure to the young professionals and future leaders of the industry to the la...
Creativity4Better 3rd Edition | Bucharest, Russia view all
Creativity4Better 3rd Edition | ...
Over 1000 delegates comprising of senior members of the marketing and communications industry, professors, students or mere communication enthusiasts applauded the global speakers of the IAA Global Conference 'Creativity4Better' Bucharest 2019 thi...
45th IAA World Congress | St. Petersburg, Russia 2020 view all
45th IAA World Congress | St. Pe...
The IAA is proud to invite global delegates to participate in the 45th IAA World Congress in Saint Petersburg - a city of grandeur that has all the ingredients to provide an unforgettable creative ambience for delegates to experience high art, lav...
尼爾森媒體研究新知月刊 view all
主婦的逆襲 家庭主婦除操持家務外,是力挺先生與子女打拼事業與課業的重要角色,由於絕大多數家庭主婦並未支薪,似乎口袋深度不及上班族與握有退休金的退休族群,但實際上家庭主婦是家用品與家庭設備的重要使用者,她們的意見能左右家中民生消費支配,當然是相關商...
旅遊趨勢大揭秘! 收服消費者淘金攻略 view all
旅遊趨勢大揭秘! 收服消費者淘金攻略
全球旅遊業飆速成長 「錢」景無限 全球旅遊業一片榮景,世界旅遊觀光協會(World Travel and Tourism Council,WTTC)最新報告顯示,2018年旅遊業成為全球成長最快的第2個行業,以3.9%成長率,僅次於製造業的4%。 另據台灣觀光局公布資料,不論是來台旅客人次,或是...
富盈數據 第3季將帶AI一站式服務出海 view all
富盈數據 第3季將帶AI一站式服務出海
台灣廣告整合技術服務商富盈數據表示,今年第三季將啟動「亞太廣告技術賦能計畫」,把在台灣成功透過AI運營的一站式服務自動化技術,引進中、日、韓、印度、新加坡等地區,協助各國的Google代理商代表也能使用這項One Stop Solution的自動化管理平台,提供不同國家的...
驚艷創意 撼動改變─2019 NYF 紐約廣告獎賞析會 view all
驚艷創意 撼動改變─2019 NYF 紐約...
New York Festival Advertising Awards 紐約廣告節紐約廣告獎,是世界五大廣告獎之一。自1957年設立至今,每年的獎項依照業界創新趨勢不斷調整,刪減並新增適宜的獎項。2019年有來自全球62個國家破萬件的入選作品;評審團更是集結了400多位國際的創意總監、首席創意...
2019《5G日》 5G論壇:5G的預想與現實 5G:Perception & Reality view all
2019《5G日》 5G論壇:5G的預想與...
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