'The IAA has helped us plug the global marketplace in a meaningful way. We’ve benefited from the high quality networking opportunities to find new prospects, the sponsorships have heightened our visibility with the right audience, and we’ve utilized the IAA’s professional development programs for our staff. It’s like having an international consulting firm that works just for us!'
-IAA Corporate Member
Benefits of joining IAA:
- You’ll benefit from our reach: The IAA operates on several levels – internationally, regionally, nationally and locally.
- You’ll benefit from our network: IAA Works with strongest international, national, and regional associations of advertisers, agencies and media – including EASA, WFA, AAF.
- We can be your voice: Represents ‘the voice of the industry’ where no single association or body can speak on behalf of all interests.
- We can open doors for you that may currently be closed: Serves as liaison with national governments and intergovernmental organizations to take positions against unwarranted restrictions on advertising.
- We’ll fight for your right to communicate freely. IAA Advocates establishment of national and regional systems of advertising self-regulation:
- We’ll help your organization stay ahead in a fast-paced industry: Access to unique global professional development programs, proprietary and secondary research studies on issues critical to communications and marketing and access to IAA newsletters including EU News, EU Insight, IAA Network News, IAA Initiatives, and APAC news.
- We can be your Trusted Advisor: Provides corporations with a broad industry approach in advocacy on volatile issues.
- You’ll be in the know: The new IAA Global Steering Committee will be tackling key industry topics of greatest current concern. New projects and sub-committees are being organized around such topics as: "New Insights, New World: A Look at Fast-Growth Markets; Embracing 21st century brand transparency: New Standards, New Communities" and many more. A new "Future of the International Advertising Industry" survey is available - that accesses today's marketing challenges and opportunities across the world.

In return, you’ll have a chance to shape the future of the MarComm industry through the IAA:
- You’ll shape the IAA’s strategy: You’ll be given a seat on the IAA Board of Directors.
- You’ll be the voice of the IAA: Be an ‘expert’ witness whenever and wherever an appearance is required. For example, you will speak on behalf of the IAA at major conferences and at IAA Chapter events.
- You’ll nurture today's young talent: Help the future leaders of our business by supporting professional development through the IAA Education, Training and InterAd programs.
- You’ll shape the future of communications industry: Interface with national and regional and international Associations involved with governmental activity.

The Value Of An IAA Membership:
- A positive global force
- Unmatched networking opportunities
- Resource for industry issues
- Forum for knowledge sharing
- Educational / training initiatives
- Dedicated to freedom of Commercial Speech
- An active grassroots membership
- Key access in the world’s markets
- A balanced and objective role
To hear more about IAA Corporate Memberships, please contact:
- Srinivasan K Swamy - IAA Chairman and World President
- Frederick Borestrom - IAA Vice President Corporate Memberships
- Dagmara Szulce - IAA Global Managing Director