IAA Global | LeadersView 2025 Forecast - Welly Huang


如今,在 AI 技術的支持下,線上廣告的精準投放已不再是挑戰,而是日常任務。然而,當觸及目標受眾變得更加容易時,廣告的有效性就變得至關重要。人們開始關注廣告的實際影響力,包括最佳曝光頻率、理想的溝通時機,以及內容的適切性。到了 2025 年,廣告的核心將從「觸及效率」轉向「溝通效能」。 廣告主需要善用科技的力量,專注於每一個傳遞訊息的關鍵時刻,讓品牌真正被看見、記住、信賴。

“The essence of advertising is not about how many people it reaches, but about how many hearts it touches.

Nowadays, with the support of AI technology, precise targeting in online advertising is no longer a challenge but a routine duty. However, as reaching target audiences becomes easier, the effectiveness of advertising has become significant. People begin to think about the effectiveness of advertising including the optimal frequency of exposure, the best time to reach out and the appropriateness of the content. By 2025, the essential features will shift from “Reach Efficiency" to “Communication Effectiveness”. Advertisers need to leverage the power of technology to focus on every moment of messaging so that the brands can be seen, remembered and trusted.”

Welly Huang

General Manager of Sales for Taipei Digital Group